Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Rapid City, SD

i began my morning at the corn palace
it is actually made of corn
the outside and the inside is designed every year using corn
high schools and college actually play basketball inside
seems like it would be a great atmosphere

i asked if there were any local used bookstores
but there werent
i am ashamed to admit i have never read
steinbecks travels with charley
and want to pick up a copy

i left mitchell and head out on 90
the billboards are out of control
i was so distracted i almost missed it
when the scenery changed

i got off the exit
to bighorn
and then miscaluclated
i misunderstood the badlands loop
and instead got back on 90
and drove to wall drug
because i was hungry
as soon as i got there
two buses of seniors were in the cafe line
so i got a personal pizza across the street
got back on the computer and realized my mistake
i drove through the badlands
and ended up where i should have started
i only wasted time and money
which whatever but i had to see all those damn signs again
as i drove past wall drug again

the first stop in the badlands from the west
which should have been my last stop
was almost worth the 80 pass i bought itself
i even saw in the distance a lone buffalo
it was far enough that i start to think it was a bench
but it was definitly a buffalo

from there i drove to crazy horse
i didnt go in though
the reviews of what you get nickel and dimed for
didnt seem worth it
i saw it from the entrance
then drove to mt rushmore
so i could spend more time there

i was able to relax a little
and stayed for the light ceremony
which seemed like an old school red hymnal church service
so naturally i got up and stood in the back
mostly because my back tightened up
i came back to the amptitheater over an hour early
but all the seats with backs were reserved by people
putting their coats and blankets there
didnt seem all that manifest destiny to me

i found another cabelas to sleep in for tonight
and i am calling my first audible
rather than driving to boulder then santa fe

i am going north
devils tower on my way to the grand tetons and yellowstone

why not right

sorry these suck
i am tired
hope i sleep better
might have to buy a tent

my plan was to hustle to vegas then the beach
and lay around and read books

but i am here
so i might as well see our national parks

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