Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Devils Tower

slept somewhat better
i ditched the curtains
i put the front window shield up
then draped over the previously needless headrests in the back seat
a blanket across the back seat to over the front seat headrests
blocked out everything
i have small battery fan
and it worked well
i slept in shorts and tshirt
and barely needed a sheet
it worked a little too well
when i farted and i had to come up for fresh air

may have slept longer than five hours
if my need for nature hadnt woken me up

i went to put my contacts in
and the case which i left on the dash
was empty
seems i started to take them out and then didnt
need to remember to do that
to rest my eyes

the early start got me on the road by 6am
decided to venture off 80 to go to deadwood

it was rather empty at 7am
i walked the main street
there are signs where wild bill did his last everything

one disappointment was there was no plaque
where the gem and swearing al stood
the new casino/hotel had steakhouse called the gem
but i couldnt find a plaque
i put one buck in a wheel of fortune for grandma
played three quarters and when i lost saved the ticket

i then drove to devils tower
which is pretty cool
i have pics on fb

there were a few guys climbing it
in different spots
i settled for walking around it

for a while i lost the tour bus germans
who love to talk loud
and got to enjoy some peaceful moments
but then i started playing words with friends
and they caught up

i checked words like four times last night and no one played
turned out i had five moves to make
as it just didnt get picked up
the aliens in the tower must have helped

the food offerings here suck
so i am venturing back on the highway
towards yellowstone
i hope i find gas in the next 60 miles

plan to find a forest and cool place to nap outside
then maybe read if my eyes arent hurting

i like the feedback people are texting

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like quite an adventure. I think you should write a book about it. Keep posting pics so we can experience it vicariously. Have fun...play good music...drive safe. Mark
